
~Bad Day~ (RinxLen Oneshot)

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~Bad Day~

One of those days. It has been one of those damn days today. Ugh! My ears are ringing, my head is banging and right now all I can think of doing is jumping out of my window yelling, "I regret nothing!"

Hey relax! Don't sweat! I was only joking. Len Kagamine isn't planning on exiting this world anytime soon. Man, you seem just as on edge as me. Had a bad one too, eh? Well, it can't be worse than mine. Oh it can, can it? I doubt that. How 'bout I tell you what happened, then?

It all started when I woke up. I wish I'd never woken up this morning because I was dreaming. I was dreaming about many wonderful things, my favourite things. I was just about to dig in to the most beautiful banana split I'd ever seen when I heard a sweet voice say, "Onii-chan! Onii-chan, time to get up!"

My eyes snapped open but then squinted when a bright light had hit them. I tried to look around and all I could make out at first were some blurry objects. My eyes then focused on the figure bobbing at the side of my bed. I started to see more clearly and realised that the bobbing thing was my step sister Rin.

Rin is the same age as me. Heck, she has the same hair and eye colour as me. I've only known her for a few years since our parents wed when we were twelve. She's cheeky, sly, a bit violent but she's quite a nice girl. She's helped me with a few problems in the past and I've helped her too. I guess you could say we were quite close. I could tell she liked me more than a friend. I may even have liked her a little back. A LITTLE!

"Yay! You finally woke up!" she happily said, aqua eyes shining, big, white bow still bobbing. I looked closer at her and gasped when I saw what she was wearing. No, oh gosh, NO! She was wearing her blue and white, sailor school uniform. The Christmas holidays couldn't be over could they? Damn…

I shut my eyes tight and turned over, burying my head under my yellow duvet. "More sleep thank you very much," I groaned. It came out muffled but Rin still heard. I listened to her walking out of my room and I sighed with relief. Maybe being the good, little step sister she sort of was, she'd let me skip school for the day. Darn, I was wrong.

I lay still for a few minutes, wondering whether to actually go back to sleep or not. I decided I would and went back into my comfortable position. I squeezed the orange shirt I stole off Rin – AH, CRAP. NOW I SOUND LIKE A PERVERT. You see, I kinda stole one of Rin's shirts while doing the laundry. I wrap it around my hands before I go to sleep. It makes me feel safe. Nothing creepy, I mean it innocently. It smells nice too…like Rin…OH, THAT'S EVEN WORSE. I CAN'T WIN HERE. Anyway, I squeezed the orange shirt and shifted onto my side. My eyelids became heavy again and I felt myself slowly disappear as sleep began to claim me…


"GAH!" I screamed as I felt something cold all over me. I waved my arms madly around in the air and sat up. I was dripping wet. I looked to my side to find, once again, Rin. But this time she had a bucket. An empty bucket. "Rin!" I whined.

"Sorry Len-kun. Maybe if you'd got up when I said this wouldn't of happened, now would it?" she giggled innocently. "Now hurry up! School, school, school!" she sang. She skipped out and left me there, a sopping mess. I had the feeling it was going to be a long day.


Rin and I walked together through the school gates. I was munching on a banana for breakfast while Rin had already devoured her orange. We were greeted by our friends Miku, Mikuo (Miku's cousin) and my best friend Piko. We were all in the same class in our second year at Yamaha High School.

"So how was your holidays? I missed you so!" sighed Miku hugging Rin.

"Missed me? You were texting me twenty four seven!" giggled Rin.

"Is that so, Rin? Well I didn't receive anything from my best friend," pouted Piko.

"I was, um, busy. Yes very busy!" I said quickly. Busy meant sleeping, eating bananas, annoying Rin, eating more bananas, watching cartoons, eating even more bananas, playing video games and eating so many bananas Rin made me go a day without them. That, my friend, was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

"Fine. Be that way," grumbled Piko. He dramatically put his hand to his forehead. "Len no longer cares!"

"Idiot," I chuckled. I playfully punched him in the shoulder. However, I don't think Piko realised it was done playfully. He stared at me in shock and then scowled. He lifted his fist and then… BAM! He punched me right on the nose. I staggered backwards, clutching my throbbing nose as the others gasped. I pulled my hand away and found blood.

"Eeek! Len! You're bleeding!" squeaked Miku.

"Piko, what the hell was that for?" Rin growled darkly. She looked ready to murder him.

"I…uh…oops," was Piko's guilty reply. I think he'd realised I was joking. "Sorry dude, I'll take you to the nurse."

"Len?" Rin asked. "Do you want me to go with you instead? Your nose looks pretty bad."

My stomach flipped slightly. Rin really did care. "I'll be fine. You go to class."

The girls sighed, shaking their heads. The bell for registration rang and they made their way to the building. Piko tugged at my arm and we began heading there too.

"Ok, fine. I stand there while you're having a conversation, obviously not concerned about me and then you just walk off and leave me. Thanks guys, thanks," said a voice. As Piko dragged me off, I looked around to see Mikuo talking to himself. Darn, I forgot he was there. I felt sorry for him and decided I'd apologise later.

As Piko led me to the nurse people were staring at us. It took me a moment to remember but when I did I felt idiotic. I had a freakin' bloody nose! We finally got to the nurse and Piko left me to go to class. The nurse mopped up my face and put a plaster over my nose. She then smiled and said, "I don't really want to know what happened, but be more careful in the future." I thanked her and left.

I began walking through the deserted corridors to my classroom. But before I reached it I bumped into a green haired girl. She looked very startled to see me and went bright red. I recognised her but couldn't remember her name.

"Um, hi Len," she mumbled. How did she know my name when I didn't know hers?

"Hi. Can I just ask what your doing here? Class has started."

She flushed an even darker red. "I went to the bathroom. I felt dizzy in class and fell off my chair." That's who she is! Her name's Gumi but because she's always so dizzy and daydreams a lot, everyone calls her Giddy Gumi. "What're you doing here?"

"My best friend kind of punched me in the face," I chuckled and pointed to my plaster." She chuckled too but then we went silent again.

"Len? Can I tell you something?" she asked.

"Course, go ahead."

"I quite like you. I mean, I like you a lot."

EH? I'd never spoken to this girl in my life and she confesses, just like that? I really didn't know what to say since I'm not exactly experienced in these things. Man, I wished Miku was there. She's the expert on things like that. Rin's kind of useless…

"Uh, I-I'm flattered that you like me that way. It's j-just-." I was cut of from her squeals.

"Oh Len, I knew it! You love me too!" she chirped and flung her arms around my neck. I was about to tell her to get off when she did something that made me freeze. She gave me a big, slobbery kiss on the cheek.


I turned my head to see a girl with long, blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. It was Neru Akita. I only knew her because she was dating my cousin, Dell. She was holding up her trusty mobile that she practically spent the whole day on. There was a devilish glint in her eye and she was grinning.

"Everyone is gonna be so surprised when they hear about this!" exclaimed Neru. She began typing furiously on her mobile. Then it hit me. She'd taken a freakin' picture of Gumi all over me…

"N-Neru!" I cried. "Don't! Please, it's not what it looks like!"

"Send," sang Neru as she pressed a button.

I swear my life almost ended right there and then. I sank to my knees and flushed a beetroot red while Gumi was still clinging onto me, still squealing about her new boyfriend. Neru was laughing like a bloody maniac and I wanted nothing more than to smash that mobile.

How was I going to get around that one? I couldn't just say, "Gumi, get lost. I don't like you." From what I'd learnt about girls - and I'd learnt a lot being around Piko all the time. He's obsessed with them. Oh great, now I've made him sound like a creeper. Oh, never mind. He is a creeper – that would break Gumi's heart. As for my friends… goodness knows how they'd react. Especially Rin.

"Lenny-boo! Are you listening?"


I quietly growled and said, "Ugh, Gumi, I kinda need to get to class so if you'd so kindly let go of my waist - ah, thank you."

When Gumi released me from her grasp she said, "See you at lunch Lenny-boo!"

I lifted my hand up slightly for a half wave and began quickly making my way in the opposite direction. As I was walking I heard Gumi say behind me, "I can't wait for everyone to here about my new boyfriend!" I stopped walking and sprinted like a madman.

Sadly, my classroom was the other way but I just had to get away from the green goblin. After venturing around the school for about ten minutes I finally came to my classroom and sighed in relief. Gumi had messed up my hair and my shirt was all creased from her grabbing onto me. I carefully straitened everything out and opened the classroom door.

But it wasn't long before I slammed the door shut again. In my dazed state I'd gone to the wrong classroom. And of all the classrooms, it was Gumi's. She'd squealed in delight, "That's him! That's my new boyfriend!" WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THAT?!

My classroom was two doors down. When I entered, Luka-sensei raised an eyebrow and said, "Ah, there you are, Len. I suggest you take a seat. And by the way you have detention tomorrow for being so late."

"But I was in the nurse's room!" I insisted and pointed to my plaster.

"I sent Miki to see if you'd come out yet. When she got there, the nurse said you'd been gone for ten minutes. You disappeared for twenty five minutes, so detention. No excuses," said Luka-sensei.

I knew there was no point in arguing so I just sighed and found my way to my seat. I threw my bag under the desk, slumped down and let my head lay on my desk. It wasn't nice. It was cold and smelt of plastic. Not long after I felt something hit my head. I looked to see a scrunched up piece of paper. I unwrapped it to find there was writing on it.

Are you ok? It's not like you to dissappear. I'm worried ~Rin

I sighed and wrote back:

Don't worry, I'm fine. It's a long story so I'll tell you later ~Len

P.S. Disappear has only one S. I thought you went to elementary.

Rin sat behind me so I turned around and threw it back at her. I watched her scowl, scribble down something furiously and throw the paper at my face.

Shut up smartass!


Everyone was packing up for lunch. I was taking as long as possible and I'm quite sure you know why. I didn't want to face you know who. No, not Voldemort. That green haired thing was far worse.

"OMG!" cried Miku suddenly.

"What?" Rin asked behind her shoulder. "What?!"

"Len, is this real?" Miku asked and she held out her mobile to me. I stared in horror. It was the picture Neru had taken and it was worse than I'd imagined. Gumi and I looked like a genuine couple. No, I wasn't smiling but the blush on my cheeks made it look pretty darn real.

"Uhh…" I trailed out.

"Well, unplug my USB! Len has a girlfriend!" exclaimed Piko. "Who would have thought?"

I was probably crimson by now. Well, at least they weren't angry. I had to try and tell them it was a big misunderstanding but they probably wouldn't believe me. And as for that picture, it'd probably spread around the whole school. It'd be hard denying the relationship to everyone. I wasn't going to stand up on stage or anything.

As Miku, Piko and more or less everyone else in the class were trying to talk to me I noticed Rin had gone back to packing her bag. Come to think of it, she hadn't said anything since she'd seen the picture. Perhaps she was just in shock? That was probably the reason. I wriggled out of the crowd and went over to Rin. If I told her the truth, she'd probably believe me. Remember I mentioned Rin and I help each other out? Well, I knew I'd need her to get out of my dilemma.

"Rin, about the picture. It's not what it looks like. Just a big misunder-"

"HOW DARE YOU, LEN KAGAMINE!" she shrieked at me.

"W-what?" I asked in shock. The whole class fell silent.

"I was worried sick about you after Piko hurt you. When you didn't return I thought you were too injured to return to class!" she cried. "But you were just making out with a girl from another class?! Damn you, Len!"

With that she turned on her heel and ran out of the classroom. Everyone was silent for a few minutes. They slowly started whispering to each other. That was really unlike Rin. She never just looses it in front of people. It was like she was jealous, almost. I was starting to wonder if she liked me more than I'd realised.

"Uh oh! Love triangle!" hummed Piko. He put his arm around my shoulder. "So, who you gonna pick?"

"Shut up. This isn't Twilight," I snapped and shook his arm off me. "Anyway, isn't it obvious?"

"You heartless fool!" cried Miku. "Rin's the one for you!"

I face palmed and blushed a little. "Miku, I meant Rin."

"O-Oh, right," she said nervously. "What about Gumi though? It's not fair to break up with her the day you got together."

"Right, listen here" I growled. "I'm not with Gumi! She confessed to me when I came back from the nurse and mistook my rejection for a confession!" Try saying the second sentence five times super fast. I had enough trouble with one.

After what felt like ages of convincing, Miku and Piko finally believed me. They agreed to help me let Gumi down lightly. Even though I didn't want to, I knew we'd have to face her sooner of later so we started making our way to the cafeteria.

"It's like I don't even exist," someone muttered as we were walking out. I turned my head to see Mikuo sulking in a Tamaki corner of woe. Why do I keep forgetting he's there?!

We made our way down the corridors and I swear the second we entered the cafeteria Gumi started squealing. I could feel all eyes on me and I did not like it. I've never enjoyed too much attention. It makes me feel queasy and unsteady.

"Lenny-boo!" she called. "Come sit over here!"

Piko and Miku burst into laughter and Piko said, "Lenny…boo? Seriously?!"

"Shut up, old man," I snapped.

"Oi!" Piko growled, no longer laughing. "My hair it WHITE. Not grey."

"Old people have white hair too," I commented. Piko didn't reply.

I slowly made my way over to Gumi's table. She was sitting with two girls. One had magenta hair tied up in twin drills and the other had really long, braided hair that was tinged baby pink.

"Lenny-boo, these are my best friends Teto and IA!" Gumi introduced.

"He's so handsome, Gumi!" exclaimed Teto while IA nodded.

"Listen, Gumi, I-" I began.

"Oh, Len. We're going to be the best couple in the school!" cried Gumi and she flung her arms around my waist again.

There was no getting sense into her. For the full lunch brake Piko, Miku and I tried our best to get the message across to her and her friends but it was no use. She would not listen. By the time the bell went and we'd made it back to the classroom I was fully tired out. I didn't want to sit in school any longer.

I was also starting to worry about Rin. She hadn't turned up to class. I kept glancing up at the clock. Ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes… She'd been gone for ages! I couldn't concentrate on the lesson and my body wouldn't stop fidgeting. I guessed that was how Rin was feeling earlier on. Even though it wasn't my fault, I still felt guilty.


The school day had ended but Rin still hadn't shown up. I was seriously panicking now. What if something had happened to her? I just wanted to set things right with Gumi and let things go back to normal. Maybe even Rin and I could start going out…?

Then we could go to college together and go on holidays together. Next we'd move into the same apartment and I'd propose to her. Before we'd know it I'd see her walking down the isle and we'd be married. We'd then have twins and name them Lin and Ren and watch them grow up. We'd cry when they leave home but it will be ok cause we'll have each other. We'll grow old together and… wait. WHAT THE HELL HAS COME OVER ME?


I tried to shake away my blush as Piko, Miku and I were walking out of the school grounds. We decided we'd wait for Rin for a few minutes and if she didn't show up we'd assume she'd gone home. I starting to give up, she was nowhere to be seen.

But then I saw it. That big, childish, white bow bouncing in the distance. I started running towards it, not caring about the people I was bumping into. Piko and Miku followed closely behind. I was nearly there. Rin was even looking at me!

"Oh, no. You're not forgetting about me this time!" cried a voice. I felt someone crash into me and saw a flash of teal before I felt myself fall through the air. My knees and hands collided hard with the ground and I was sure to have grazes there. I opened my eyes, expecting to be face to face with the hard floor. I got a nasty shock. I was met with a pair of cerulean orbs.

Rin was below me… in the most awkward position ever… with all our classmates staring.

I heard several wolf whistles and 'Get a room!' s but the worst noise was the sound coming from Rin, which was no sound. She hadn't said anything and continued to stare me in the eyes. We both looked like someone had thrown tomato juice at our faces.

"GAH!" I cried out in pain. Rin had kicked me you know where. I bit my cheeks to stop myself from crying out anymore and groaned. 'Lin…Ren…you'll have to hold on a while. This will take some time to repair…'

By the time I looked up Rin had scrambled away from me and had made a break for home. People were laughing at me and pointing. I noticed others (including Neru) had their phones out. Oh, joy. More pictures for the school to gossip about.

I stood up and Piko patted me on the back. Miku was busy bashing Mikuo with that plastic leek she keeps around while he was begging for mercy. If only I hadn't have ignored him earlier, that situation probably wouldn't have happened. I heard a sniff I looked around to see Gumi. Damn.

"I knew all along you liked Rin better," she said with a pout. She didn't look upset, only annoyed. "It doesn't matter. Gumo is WAY better than you!" With that she hopped off. It was really that simple? I let out a long sigh. Oh, how I couldn't wait to get home.


So that was my day. Woken up in a brutal way, beaten up by my best friend, thought to be a psycho girl's boyfriend, ticked off my crush AND humiliated myself in front of the whole school. Not to mention I had probably scarred Rin for life. I slumped down on my bed and put my head in my hands. I let out a stressed sigh and closed my eyes to think.


Someone was rapping on my door. I groaned, got up and made my way across the room to answer it. I slowly opened it and was suddenly met by someone grabbing me tightly. 'Oh, no! I'm getting kidnapped!'

"Len, I'm so sorry!" I looked down at my kidnapper only to realise it was Rin. "Miku rang me up and explained everything. Len, I'm such an idiot! Forgive me!"

"Well," I started as I wrapped my arms around her waist. "I guess I'll have to, since my day has been so bad I need something happy to brighten things up."

"Yeah," Rin said, slightly pink from our embrace. "You've had a pretty hard one."

We stayed like that for a few moments more until Rin let go and went to sit on my bed. I followed suit and sat next to her. She then said, "About earlier…"

"I am so sorry about that!" I cried.

Rin nodded her head. "It's ok. Again, Miku explained. I'm sorry I kicked you, um, so hard."

"Never mind."

"You know it's not like I didn't like it…"

"Oh. Ok." Then what she said sank in. "WHAT?!"

Rin grabbed my neck and forcefully pulled me over to her. Her lips crashed against mine and I was instantly swept away into a dream. I kissed her back just as passionately, gently rubbing her back as I did so. Her fingers gently stroked the back of my neck, causing me to shiver.

Rin pulled me down onto her so she was laying on her back with me hovering above. I left her mouth and started kissing down her neck. She moaned quietly. If the world ended right then, I'd be fine with it. We continued to kiss one other until I felt Rin hold something up.

"Len," Rin said, rather out of breath. She raised her right eyebrow and asked, "What's this?"

It was the orange shirt.

This is one of my more humorous ones and I kinda figured you needed it after 'I Need You'. Hehe ^^; But, hey! I'm working on my humour and I want to start writing funny fics too. I've got one half written at the moment. Here's a sneak peek ;) :[link] (Please don't comment about the sneak peak on this, comment on the link).

Hehe, Gumi seems high in this one XD And, yes! I love OHSHC. And, yes! I love Harry Potter! And, yes! I love- wait. No, I don't like Twilight at all XD
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AdorableDrawings's avatar

ha ha, wolf whistles ha ha get a room...omg!!!! ha ha